Calorie Deficit Calculator

Calorie deficit calculator is a tool to calculate the daily caloric intake and help you lose weight. The weight loss calculator is calculated based on your gender, height, weight, and daily activity.

Weight Loss Calculator

US Unit Metric Unit
Gender Male       Female
Weight lbs OR kg
Height feet inches OR cm
Daily Activities
Want to Lose Weight     Gain Weight
lbs OR kg
Days to lose/gain weight
Daily Caloric Requirements
Maintain Current Weight:
Meet Your Goal Daily Need:
Maintain New Weight (after reaching goal):

If you plan to lose lbs in , you will need to take calories instead of calories per day currently, or exercise more to boost your calorie burn about calories per day.

If you plan to gain lbs in , you will need to take calories instead of calories per day currently, which is more calories per day.

Your desired goal requires you to burn more than 3500 calorie per day which may not be safe. Please either increase the number of days to lose weight or decrease your weight goal in the desired time frame.

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Calorie Deficit Calculator